James Street North (123)

123 James Street North, Hamilton, ON, L8R2K8
Call Ira Cowitz
(905) 529-9926 Call Us

Rental Office Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 5pm

About the property

123 James Street North is a new office and retail building located in the heart of the James Street North arts district. The site was once the home of the Tribune newspaper and more recently functioned as a surface parking lot.

This new 3 storey building is designed to fit into James Street North and contribute to the heritage character of the streetscape. As a corner building, it is highly visible from two streets. The design features a distinctive glass tower that anchors the building to the corner and the use of high quality exterior materials. The ground floor features large windows that promote interaction and vibrancy with the streetscape, both day and night. The second and third floors of the building provide office space which attracts employment uses to the Downtown and complements a wide variety of businesses in the area.